Monday, December 28


Peace be upon you.

Wussup people!. Lately the Korean culture has spread into our community. The hip saucy dance korean song , the so-called love korean drama , and the addiction to the korean artist itself.

If you ask me why Korean? not that I'm establishing myself as a Korean lover (please note that I'm not a Korean lover, never been ok!) I would say because they are super hot. Yes, really. The man and the woman. So Malaysian artist is not hot?

Stop this nonsense about this Korean thing will you? If you wanna be their fan, just make it secretly. No need to post all about this up-to-date news at your wall. You're not a reporter damn it, you just a fan. So act like a fan and keep it within yourself only.

Seriously, let's wrap this Korean thing. nuff said!

"you need a balls to be a man"


Deya Zanial said...

"you need a balls to be a man". woman?

en.mubasyir said...

yeah... rage bebeh! rage!

Meor M. Syafiq said...

A pair of ovary maybe?

Deya Zanial said...

ohh okay -_-"

Meor M. Syafiq said...

haha syek, tk tahu pasal mood menulis aku nk rage je. influence orang kot

HiJau said...

"please note that I'm not a Korean lover, never been ok!"

seb bek aku tade kimag. haha.