Monday, December 28


6 berbisik
Peace be upon you.

Wussup people!. Lately the Korean culture has spread into our community. The hip saucy dance korean song , the so-called love korean drama , and the addiction to the korean artist itself.

If you ask me why Korean? not that I'm establishing myself as a Korean lover (please note that I'm not a Korean lover, never been ok!) I would say because they are super hot. Yes, really. The man and the woman. So Malaysian artist is not hot?

Stop this nonsense about this Korean thing will you? If you wanna be their fan, just make it secretly. No need to post all about this up-to-date news at your wall. You're not a reporter damn it, you just a fan. So act like a fan and keep it within yourself only.

Seriously, let's wrap this Korean thing. nuff said!

"you need a balls to be a man"

Wednesday, December 23

smile pls

0 berbisik
peace be upon you.

usually i'll be blogging only when it's raining, why is it? that's the thing i can't tell for sure. for good luck? haha what's the thing about raining and good luck? it's crap

so what's up life? sucks or sucker than ever? mine is good! haha, seriously though. my life never been hell. all the bad things is just challenge. your balls has gone? chicken to take the challenge? please go potong potong again. such a waste.

Sunday, December 13


3 berbisik
salam. i'm busy with lots of stuff. doesn't care if it's related to my life or not. life is short , make it useful.

you're the best thing i never knew i needed
so when you were here i had no idea
you're the best thing i never knew i needed
so now it's so clear i need you here always

"i'm still a man. i'm also afraid"